Friday, May 28, 2010

Oliver The Toy Poodle!!!

Oliver, our current pet sit, a little toy poodle with diabetes, is just adorable. He has really warmed up to us over time. He looks forward to our visits now and he has become playfull with us recently. He likes going into the living room or the kitchen and likes when we lay on the floor with him and he nuzzles and rolls on his back and likes to do little bites of our fingers.
He has a short rope in the back yard and after we knew he trusted us, we let him off his rope and walked around the back yard with him and he came to life. He started rolling in the grass, exploring and even started to bark at the neighbors for the first time. He was totally enjoying himself and feeling his oats. He felt pretty darn good and it was so enjoyable to see the little guy happy. He is funny to watch walking through tall grass. He does kind of a march lifting his little legs up. He is just so cute.

He is usually quiet and timid and he has become a whole new little doggy. He is so much fun to visit. He really looks forward to us now. I think he might miss us a little after the pet sit is over and we will miss him until the next time.