Saturday, September 12, 2009

Friday, September 11, 2009

The Twins Unleashed

Well Pico and Cloudy gave us quite the scare this morning. We are trying to keep them as indoor cats but every now and then they get out. We have gotten into the habit of opening our windows from the top down becasue our screens can fall off easily. I had a window open at the top and somehow the twins were able to jump up, knock the screen off, jump onto a roof and then the most suprising; they jumped off the roof to the ground. I think it is about 15' from the roof to the ground. Ron discovered what had happened when he got up and saw the sreen on the ground. He didn't want to wake me up and have me freak out (which I do when my babies are loose) so he he drove around and around the neighborhood in his jammies! He told Nick not to tell me but I got up and noticed his car was gone and Nick is not the greatest at keeping a secret. So, Ron has been driving around for 45 minutes at the time and I immediately got dressed, went outside and started shaking their box of treats and calling their names. They both popped out of the shrubs and came running to me. Phew. It is when we temporarily loose them that it hits home hard about how much we love them!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated”

Mahatma Gandhi

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Tuffy & Hattie

The purse that got dragged to bed!

Tuffy wants to play!

Is she sad or does she always look like this?

Tuffy gets to play!

A long refreshing drink after an afternoon hike!

Hattie just chilaxin in her chair!

It was such a beautiful day out and Tuffy wanted to be outside so badly, so we put him in the garden for two hours and drove back to put him back in because it was getting hot out. I think he was happy to have been out for awhile but also happy to see us. He is such a cute and loving little guy. He follows us around and likes to be held. Hattie got to go for an extra afternoon walk and enjoyed that. She is getting more and more use to us now. When we stopped by mid-day all her food was gone so she is finally eating and eating well! I think she still misses her mom though. We found that she had dragged her mom's purse into her bed. We didn't have the heart to move it because she must somehow find it comforting! I keep telling her that her owners will be back tomorrow. I plan on leaving some welcome home treats for everyone. Maybe some fresh catnip for Tuffy and some fresh basil for MOM!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Day Two without Mom- Lake Wisotta

Oh Gawd. Where's my mother?

I am so depressed without her! But I will live!!
Hey, I am gonna eat something while I have the chance!

Hey, who are You?
When is my mommy comming home?

Hey, who are you and what are you doing in my house?

I am on hunger strike. I will not eat and I will hold my breath until my Mommy comes home! Hey, just kidding. It ain't so bad! This Ron guy ain't too shabby! If Tuffy likes him, then so do I!

Hey Y'all. Pet sitting this weekend out at a beautiful house in the country near Lake Wisotta for a very cool lady! The yard is amazing. Acres and acres of paths and crickets and birds chirping! Fall at its best! She has a BIG sweet chocolate lab named Haddie and the sweetest little reverse tux cat named Toughy. Toughy likes to sit up around your neck all wrapped around and have you walk around like that! One cool cat! Haddie misses her mom a lot. Last night (first time of pet sit) she didn't want to walk with Ron on the paths. He figured out how to fix this problem this morning. She is use to a leash so he leashed her up and off they went onto the path and walked a bit and then he unleashed her and she was just great. Toughy (or maybe Tuffy) gets put in the fenced in garden twice a day to enjoy the sunshine and then put in before we leave. Above are some pics we snapped. This cool lady has some cool pets for sure. You can always tell when pets are spoiled because they are so smart and so sensitive!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Having One of Those Days!!

Maybe you need a cat-nap in the cat-nip! This is my cat Mikey. He overindulged in the catnip and fell asleep in the herb garden!